Middle School
Middle School (GRADES 6 – 8) is a time when students are entering adolescence – a period where there are tremendous emotional and physical changes, a time when they push boundaries, challenge conventions and norms, seek peer approval and yet want to be individualistic.
At this stage students are introduced to a rich variety of activities and experiences, where they are encouraged to dialogue, reflect and share perspectives on personal, socio-political, and environmental issues. The Middle School encourages students to work on multi-disciplinary thematic projects to bring about a deeper understanding of the issues that they are studying. The academic program is built around core subject areas – English, an Indian Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
The entire curriculum is built on a project based learning approach. The students weave connections with society, environment and culture in every topic they learn in Math, Science, and Social Studies. In each subject there is a special focus on acquiring skills, knowledge and perspectives specific to that domain.
Sports, yoga, art, music, theatre, and community engagement form a central part of the curriculum. .
The ever increasing environmental deterioration in and around Hosur forms the central core of project based study in Middle school. The projects are interdisciplinary in their approach and encourage students to collaborate and develop innovative solutions to the ecological problems faced by the local community. The students also take up personal projects based on the topic they are studying or areas of their interest.
The language curriculum introduces students to a wide range of genres and themes in literature. Through a rigorous analysis of texts students learn to understand the complexity of viewpoints, contexts and discourses. They learn to express their ideas and feelings cogently, strengthening their views through referencing other writings and texts.
One of the interesting features of this program is the Complaints Choir, an integrated language and music project. The students communicate their petty everyday gripes, frustrations and disappointments through a song. Students explore various musical genres to compose their lyrics and melodies.
The Mathematics curriculum is designed to develop students’ logical, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Through interpreting and analyzing real world data, students develop a deeper understanding of complex mathematical concepts and strategies. They explore nature, music and art to find patterns that convey mathematical concepts and algorithms.
The Science curriculum is aimed at developing critical skills through formulating hypotheses based on observation and analysis; and validating it by experimentation. The purpose is to give students a critical understanding of the core concepts of science so that they can analyse events, objects and data and evaluate scientific information judiciously.
The overarching goal of the Social Studies program (History and Geography) is to help students gain a deeper and broader understanding of environmental, economic and political issues through comparative study and research. Students foreground problematic social issues – gender, plastic waste, pollution - and conscientise the community through campaigns, street theatre, and environmental programs.